Monday, June 1, 2015

Crafting ADD

I enjoy crafting and yet I often feel there is something holding me back.  I don't always feel as fulfilled with my efforts.  I wondered about this for awhile and why I felt this way.  Was it because I didn't really know how to get the look I want on a project? Did my efforts look to "home made"? Am I not really a crafter at heart? Or could it be something else?   I think I figured out one of my issues. I have Crafting ADD!

I am very good about starting new projects but not as great at finishing them.  The bigger or more time intensive the less likely it is to get finished for awhile (if at all).  I start a project with high hopes and high energy.  About midway through though I can feel my brain start to think about other crafting creations I can make, sometimes with the same supplies I am using right at that moment.  Before I know it another project has been born and the old project is pushed aside.  When I have just one too many projects started I will buckle down and finish a half project.

When I am done I am very happy with the results. I kick myself for not sticking with the original project.  It could have been done and enjoyed instead of sitting and gathering dust.  How can I cure myself of this condition or am I just stuck this way? You know there is just to much to do and try and just not enough time in the day.  That is what I thought for a while but then I found ATCs!

Wonderful little ATCs allow me to feel that great feeling of accomplishment that fuels me on to my next project.

If you are new to the crafting world ATC stands for Artist Trading Cards.  They are 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 cards that you can do any technique on.  You can draw, paint, stamp, emboss, paper piece, watercolor, zentangle, etc.  Everything your heart can think of you can do.  The best part is they are small! You can put at much time and effort into them as you want.  Traditionally they are used for trying new techniques and are often swapped between artists or crafters.  Some people also use them as a calling cards to showcase their artwork.

I typically use them as a practice space.  I can try out different techniques or color combinations.  I can practice stamping with new stamps or inks. I also like that you can buy or create cards out of any paper material that strikes your fancy.  I bought a pack that had a variety of papers.  I found some that I liked and some that I did not care to use again.

The best part though is I can make an ATC quickly and I have a sense of fulfillment.  It gives me the encouragement to move on to my next project.  It also taught me to think about my projects in smaller bits.  If you feel like you can't get a larger project finished, try breaking it down into to smaller bits.  Once you have one small piece of your project done you will be excited to move to the next part, instead of feeling overwhelmed or bored.

Here is an ATC I created this weekend.

I used Strathmore Canvas paper.  The stamps I used was from Unity Stamp Company Stamp of the Week called Change is Never Easy.  I stamped multiple times with multiple different pressures to add depth and interest to the over all image.  The ink I used is Memento Luxe Rich Cocoa. I love that color!  The brown is rich but not to dark.  I think it has a very nice vintage feel.  I colored the image with Distress Markers Fossilized Amber, Twisted Citron, and Cracked Pistachio (all new colors for 2015). I love how these colors blended with each other.  I simply put down a little color with the brush tip and then used a water pen to spread the color around trying to keep some darker areas.  The markers really moved very well on the canvas paper.  When I was done coloring the pieces, I popped up the sentiment on torn black card stock.  I then cut a piece of 3x4 black card stock to mount the ATC.  It is beautiful with really nice texture from the canvas paper!

You will be seeing more ATCs from me on this blog!

Let me know how you over come Crafting ADD!

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